About the Gaudi World Foundation

The Gaudí World Foundation, established in 2013 and headquartered in Barcelona, Spain, stands as a beacon of dedication to the enduring legacy of Antoni Gaudí i Cornet.

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The purpose of the foundation is to preserve and propagate the legacy of Antoni Gaudí, ensuring that his innovative spirit, architectural genius, and values continue to inspire generations. Through a multifaceted approach encompassing education, innovation, and creation, we aim to keep Gaudí’s influence alive and relevant in the contemporary world.


Our mission is to serve as the global hub for all things Gaudí, providing authoritative knowledge, fostering innovation, and facilitating creative expression inspired by his work. By organizing events, offering educational programs, and supporting research and design projects, we endeavor to extend Gaudí’s impact beyond architecture into various realms of creativity and innovation.

Foundational Objectives

Education and Outreach

To educate a diverse audience about Gaudí's life, work, and principles through interactive exhibitions, educational programs, and digital resources.

Innovation and Research

To promote the Gaudi Thinking: "Origination Method" and support innovative research and design projects that draw inspiration from Gaudí's methods and materials.

Creative Expression

To certify and promote Gaudí-inspired products and designs, ensuring they align with his values of creativity, sustainability, and craftsmanship.

Global Community

To build a global network of Gaudí enthusiasts, experts, and practitioners, facilitating collaboration and exchange of ideas.


To contribute to the preservation of Gaudí's works and promote sustainable practices in architecture and design, inspired by his approach.


     There is no reason not to try
something new just because
no one has tried it before

Our vision is a world where Gaudí’s legacy is a continuous source of inspiration for innovative, sustainable, and creative endeavors in architecture, design, and beyond. We envision a global community united by the appreciation of Gaudí’s work, actively contributing to a future where his principles of nature-inspired design and innovation influence new generations of creators and thinkers.

Why Our Work Matters

Innovation Design

Preserving Gaudi’s legacy to inspire future design. Our focus on nature, sustainability, and innovation drives architects and designers to redefine excellence.

Educational Growth

Empowering the next architects and designers through immersive programs. We dive deep into Gaudi’s methods, enriching skills and perspectives for today’s challenges.

Cross-Disciplinary Influence

Extending beyond architecture, we spark innovation across fields. Our initiatives promote cross-disciplinary collaboration, inspired by Gaudi’s legacy.

Cultural Exchange

Highlighting Gaudi’s work globally enhances cultural heritage and fosters worldwide connectivity. We inspire appreciation for creativity’s power to unite.

Our Core Values

At the Gaudi World Foundation, our work is deeply rooted in values inspired by the innovative spirit and enduring legacy of Antoni Gaudi. These principles not only guide our mission but also reflect our commitment to making a meaningful impact on the world through architecture, design, and beyond.

Inspired by Gaudi’s belief that ‘originality is returning to the origins,’ we embrace Rooted Innovation as foundational pillar. We delve into the roots of creativity and innovation, drawing from history, nature, and cultural heritage to inform our work. Our goal is to create impactful solutions that address contemporary challenges while staying true to the essence of original thought.

Innovation and Design are at the heart of everything we do. Following in Gaudi’s footsteps, we push the boundaries of what is possible, blending art and science to inspire new forms, structures, and experiences. Our commitment to design excellence drives us to explore, experiment, and create with purpose and vision.

Humanism reflects our belief in the power of architecture and design to enhance human life and foster community. Gaudi’s work celebrated the human spirit, and we continue this tradition by creating spaces and experiences that promote well-being, inclusivity, and connection.

Embracing Gaudi’s integration of natural forms and respect for the environment, Natural Thinking principle guide our approach to design and innovation sustainably. We advocate for solutions that harmonize with nature, promoting sustainability in our projects and practices to ensure a healthier planet for future generations.

Our dedication to Endless Exploration fuels our quest for knowledge and excellence. We invest in research that expands our understanding of Gaudi’s work and its applications, supporting initiatives that push the envelope in architecture and design.

We believe in the Accessibility of Knowledge and the Spreading of Genius. By making Gaudi’s principles and our research widely accessible, we aim to inspire and educate a global audience, democratizing information to spark innovation across borders.

Immersive Learning is key to experiencing the full depth of Gaudi’s genius. Through interactive programs and experiences, we invite learners to dive into the world of Gaudi, engaging with his ideas in ways that are transformative and profound.

Community is essential to our mission. By fostering a culture of cooperation among architects, designers, scholars, and the public, we build a vibrant community united in its passion for Gaudi’s legacy and its potential to inspire future innovations.

Respect for Heritage and Culture underscores our commitment to preserving and celebrating the rich legacy of Gaudi’s work. We honor the past by safeguarding architectural treasures and cultural traditions, ensuring they remain a source of inspiration and learning.

Finally, Love & Passion for Work encapsulate the essence of our foundation. Just as Gaudi dedicated his life to his architectural pursuits, we bring the same fervor to our mission, driven by a deep love for creativity, excellence, and the transformative power of design.

The Collection

Unrivaled Archive about Antoni Gaudí 

Our foundation boasts the most extensive archive of research and documentation about Gaudí, thanks to contributions from leading experts and collaborators of our Foundation. This rich collection underpins our educational and research initiatives, ensuring Gaudí’s legacy continues to inspire.

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